Lunes, Marso 2, 2015

Case Study

Lingatong, Maricel G.
Chapter 4

1. Your friend is considering using an online service to identify people with compatible personalities and attractive physical features who would be interesting to date. Your friend must first submit some basic personal information then complete a five-page personality survey, and finally provide several recent photos. Would you advise your friend to do this? Why or why not?
Answer: I choose to say yes, because in the first place it would be a fair to the both of us. In order also to knowing each other, and they know my background and also I wanted to know about him/her.

2. You are a recent college graduate with only a year of experience with your employer. You were recently promoted to manager of email services. You are quite surprised to receive a phone call at home on a Saturday from the Chief Financial Officer of the firm asking that you immediately delete all email from all email servers, including the archive and back-up servers that is older than six months. He states that the reason for this request is that there have been an increasing number of complaints about the slowness of email services. In addition, he says he is concerned about the cost of storing so much email. This does not sound right to you because you have taken several measures that have actually speeded up email services. You recall a brief paragraph in the paper last week that stated several suppliers were upset about what they called “prince fixing” among the companies in your industry. What do you say to the Chief Financial Officer?
Answer: Deleting all files to the email servers is not the reason of slowness of the email services. Maybe because they have other reason on why they do that. There are many way on why it was being about the slowness of the email services. First we go to the expertise because first & foremost we don’t want to delete it immediately as we can. In my side I insist due to my personal data there, some projects doing also.

3. You have 15 years of experience in sales and marketing with three different organizations. You currently hold a middle management position and have been approach by a head hunter to make a move to a company seeking a chief privacy officer. The head hunter claims the position would represent a good move for you in your career path and lead to an eventual vice president of marketing position. You are not sure about the exact responsibilities of the CPO position or what authority the person in this position would have at this particular company. How would you go about evaluating this opportunity to determine if it actually is a good career move or a dead end?
Answer: For me I would say move, it would be the great opportunity for me of being in that position. In this time, there’s so many way on how to be a good leader or being a responsible leader to the member either you don’t know how to handle, but in the same time you’ve learned a lot. In the first position, people don’t want to choose to be as good leader if you are not deserving to be.
4. As the information systems manager for a small manufacturing plant, you are responsible for anything relating to the use of information technology. A new inventory control system is being implemented to track the quantity and movement of all finished products stored in a local warehouse. Each time a forklift operator moves a case of product, he or she must first scan the product identifier code on the case. The product information is captured, as is the day, time and forklift operator identification number. This data is transmitted over a local area network (LAN) to the inventory control computer, which then displays information about the case and where it should be placed in the warehouse.
The warehouse manager is excited about using case movement data to monitor worker productivity. He will be able to tell how many cases per shift each operator moves and he plans to use this data to provide performance feedback that could result in pay increases or termination. He has asked you if there are any potential problems with using the data in this manner and, if so, what should be done to avoid them. How would you respond?
Answer: In this situation, it will be depend about the potential problems encounter to the company because in the first place the company are relating to use the information system. So, as one of being in the company, we know what & where the problems going to be.

5. You have been asked to help developed  a company policy on what should be done in the event of a data breach, such as unauthorized access to your firm’s customer database, which contains some 1.5 million records. What sort of process would you use to develop such a policy? What resources would you call on?
Answer: I’d rather call it the database of customer’s firms but it will authorized to the company.

Chapter 5

1.       Your friend is two-time winner of the Ironman Arizona Triathlon (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, and 26.2-mile run). He is also a popular and well-known marathon runner throughout the Southwest. He asked you design a Web page to promote the sale of a wide variety of health products, vitamins, food supplements, and clothing targeted at the athletes training to participate in the triathlon. The products will carry his personal trademark. However, much of the information in the Web page will include discussion of his personal success in various triathlons and marathons in which he has competed. Many of these events has corporate sponsors and carry their own trademark. He has asked you if there are any potentials trademark issues with his marketing plans. What would you do?
Answer: It depend on what he says that I must design to his web page. Maybe I would settle all his needed. I must create it and any idea that I have is I would tell him or any problems that I have.

2.       Because of the amount of the expense, your company’s CFO had to approve a $500,000 purchase order for hardware and software needed to upgrade the service used to store data for the Product Development Department. Everyone in the department had expected an automatic approval, and they were disappointed when the purchase order request was turned down. Management said that the business benefits of the expenditure were not clear. Realizing that she needs to develop a more solid business case for the order, the vice president of Product Development has come to you for help. Can you help her identify arguments related to protecting intellectual property that might strengthen the business case for this expenditure?

Answer: For me, I could help her/him. He/she needs help in order to clear the expenditures of the company and to purchase the order request. Any problems that encounter to the company we must know how to handle so that in the end no it would success.

3.       You are interviewing for the role of human resources manager for a large software developer. Over the last year, the firm has lost a number of high-level executives who left the firm to go to work for competitors. During the course of your interview, you are asked what measures you would put in place to reduce the potential loss of trade secret from executives leaving the firm. How would you respond?

Answer: I would hardly say that I will do my very best in order not to reduce the potential loss of trade secret from executives leaving the firm. I could not assure that I would work in 24 hours but as long as I could.

Chapter 6

1.       A former high school classmate of yours who has returned to china emails you that he has been offered a part-time job monitoring a Chinese website and posting comments favourable to the government. How would you respond?

Answer: It will also depend on my situation here in the Philippines whether I have a good job here that I wanted to leave and also my family. If I had a stable job here and I think this would be enough for us with my family, I would say no from him/her. Although it was a good opportunity but to think clearly, it would be enough from here.

2.       Your 15 year old nephew exclaims “Oh wow!” and proceeds to tell you about a very revealing photo attachment he just received in a text message from his 14 year old girlfriend of three months. He can’t wait to forward the message to others in his school. What would you say to your nephew? Are further steps needed besides a discussion on sexting?

Answer: I could actually discuss him a good steps needed. He was too young for being that, he needs a formal discussion with his parents or relatives.

3.       A college friend of yours approaches you about an idea to start a PR firm that would specialize in monitoring the internet for “Bad PR” about a company and “fixing” it. One tactic the firm would use is to threaten negative posters with a libel lawsuit unless they remove their posting.  Should that fail, the Pr firm will generate dozens of positive postings to outweigh the negative posting.  What would you say tp your friend about her idea?

Answer: I don’t want to angry for being that. I must discuss of him/her about what he/she did.

4.       You are the computer technical resource for country’s public library system. The library is making plans to install internet Filtering Software so that it will conform to the children’s Internet Protection Act and be eligible for federal funding. What sort of objections can you expect regarding implementation of internet filters? How might you deal with such objections?

Answer: It would be able to know well the children’s, So that the children’s are eligible know how to internet. Fast research that they must know.

5.       Imagine that you received a hate email at your school or job. What would you do? Does your school or workplace have a policy that cover such issues?

Answer: In my side, I must aside my patience. I must warning him/her before to know the school or job. Whether it would be the best, but there are some that you are going to the issue. So I must know my limits.

Chapter 7

1. Apple Guidelines for App Approval
Apple’s App Store has been a huge success ever since it was launched in 2008. As of the end of 2010, the app store offered more than 250, 000 applications available for sale to owners of apple, iPhone, iPad and iPod devices, with more than 6.5 Billion downloads since it opened.
Before software applications can be solved throught the App Store, they must go through a review process. Apple has been accused by some of using clandestine and capricious rules to reject some programs and thus blocking them from reaching the very large and growing market of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users. One application developer complained: “ if you submit an app, you have no idea whats going to happen. You have no idea it’s going to be approved or if it’s going to be disapproved.” The developers of an app called “South Park” complained that their app was rejected because the content was deemed “potentially offensive ,” even though episodes of the award-winning animated sitcom are available at the Apple iTunes  Store. In September 2010, after more than two years of complains, apple finally provided applications developers the guidelines it uses to review software.
Most guidelines seem to be aimed at ensuring that Apple users can only access high quality and non-controversials Apps from its Apps Store. Some of the Apple guidelines are clear and their rationale is easy to understand, such as “ apps that rapidly drain the device’s battery or generate excessive eat will be rejected.” However, other guidelines are unclear and highly subjective, such as “ we will reject apps for any content or behavior that we believe is over the line.” What line, you ask? Well, as a Supreme Court Justice once said ,“ I’ll know it when i see it. ‘ and we think that you will also know it when you cross it. (“ I know it when I see it” was the phrase used by U.S Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart to describe his ability to recognize rather than to provide a precise definition of hard core pornography and his opinion in the cae Jacobellis v. Ohio in 1964.)
The electronic frontier foundation believes that while the guidelines are helpful, in some cases apple is defining the content of third-party software and placing limits on what is available to customers of Apple’s App Store.
By way of comparison, Google places few restrictions and developers of software for its competing Android Marketplace. However, there have been many low-quality applications offered to Android Marketplace customers, including some that include unwanted malware. Indeed by early 2011, goggle had pulled 21 Android applications from its Android Marketplace because, once downloaded, the applications not only stole users’ information and device data but also created a back door for even more harmful attacks. Apple’s decision to finally share applications guidelines may have been an attempt to combat the rapidly increasing popularity the android. It may also have been a response to a U.S Federal Trade Commission’s investigations of a complaint for Adobe concerning Apples banning of the flash software from devices that run using Apple’s iOS operating system (Adobe Flash player is a browser-based applications that runs in many computer hardware/ operating system combination and support the viewing of called “rich, expressive applications,” content, the videos across screens and browsers.)
Discussion Questions:
1.       Should Apple conduct extensive screening of Apps before they are allowed to be sold on the App Store? Why or why not?

Answer: It must be yes. In order they got too much expensive application whether in cell phone or any class of gadget. Because in App store, surely it will needed some exact money before you install the application.

2.       Do research to determine the current status of the FCC investigation of Apple for banning use of the Adobe Flash software and devices that use the iOS operating system.3. What do you think of Apple’s guidelines that say it will reject an App for any content or behaviour that they believe is over the line? Could such statement be construed as a violation of the developer’s freedom of speech? Why or why not?

Answer: I think so. I could say yes. It will say that base on that statement, the violation is freedom of speech. Rejection is not a reason of being the violation, sometime it could be the statement.

Case Study

Lingatong, Maricel G.
Chapter 4

1. Your friend is considering using an online service to identify people with compatible personalities and attractive physical features who would be interesting to date. Your friend must first submit some basic personal information then complete a five-page personality survey, and finally provide several recent photos. Would you advise your friend to do this? Why or why not?
Answer: I choose to say yes, because in the first place it would be a fair to the both of us. In order also to knowing each other, and they know my background and also I wanted to know about him/her.

2. You are a recent college graduate with only a year of experience with your employer. You were recently promoted to manager of email services. You are quite surprised to receive a phone call at home on a Saturday from the Chief Financial Officer of the firm asking that you immediately delete all email from all email servers, including the archive and back-up servers that is older than six months. He states that the reason for this request is that there have been an increasing number of complaints about the slowness of email services. In addition, he says he is concerned about the cost of storing so much email. This does not sound right to you because you have taken several measures that have actually speeded up email services. You recall a brief paragraph in the paper last week that stated several suppliers were upset about what they called “prince fixing” among the companies in your industry. What do you say to the Chief Financial Officer?
Answer: Deleting all files to the email servers is not the reason of slowness of the email services. Maybe because they have other reason on why they do that. There are many way on why it was being about the slowness of the email services. First we go to the expertise because first & foremost we don’t want to delete it immediately as we can. In my side I insist due to my personal data there, some projects doing also.

3. You have 15 years of experience in sales and marketing with three different organizations. You currently hold a middle management position and have been approach by a head hunter to make a move to a company seeking a chief privacy officer. The head hunter claims the position would represent a good move for you in your career path and lead to an eventual vice president of marketing position. You are not sure about the exact responsibilities of the CPO position or what authority the person in this position would have at this particular company. How would you go about evaluating this opportunity to determine if it actually is a good career move or a dead end?
Answer: For me I would say move, it would be the great opportunity for me of being in that position. In this time, there’s so many way on how to be a good leader or being a responsible leader to the member either you don’t know how to handle, but in the same time you’ve learned a lot. In the first position, people don’t want to choose to be as good leader if you are not deserving to be.
4. As the information systems manager for a small manufacturing plant, you are responsible for anything relating to the use of information technology. A new inventory control system is being implemented to track the quantity and movement of all finished products stored in a local warehouse. Each time a forklift operator moves a case of product, he or she must first scan the product identifier code on the case. The product information is captured, as is the day, time and forklift operator identification number. This data is transmitted over a local area network (LAN) to the inventory control computer, which then displays information about the case and where it should be placed in the warehouse.
The warehouse manager is excited about using case movement data to monitor worker productivity. He will be able to tell how many cases per shift each operator moves and he plans to use this data to provide performance feedback that could result in pay increases or termination. He has asked you if there are any potential problems with using the data in this manner and, if so, what should be done to avoid them. How would you respond?
Answer: In this situation, it will be depend about the potential problems encounter to the company because in the first place the company are relating to use the information system. So, as one of being in the company, we know what & where the problems going to be.

5. You have been asked to help developed  a company policy on what should be done in the event of a data breach, such as unauthorized access to your firm’s customer database, which contains some 1.5 million records. What sort of process would you use to develop such a policy? What resources would you call on?
Answer: I’d rather call it the database of customer’s firms but it will authorized to the company.

Chapter 5

1.       Your friend is two-time winner of the Ironman Arizona Triathlon (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, and 26.2-mile run). He is also a popular and well-known marathon runner throughout the Southwest. He asked you design a Web page to promote the sale of a wide variety of health products, vitamins, food supplements, and clothing targeted at the athletes training to participate in the triathlon. The products will carry his personal trademark. However, much of the information in the Web page will include discussion of his personal success in various triathlons and marathons in which he has competed. Many of these events has corporate sponsors and carry their own trademark. He has asked you if there are any potentials trademark issues with his marketing plans. What would you do?
Answer: It depend on what he says that I must design to his web page. Maybe I would settle all his needed. I must create it and any idea that I have is I would tell him or any problems that I have.

2.       Because of the amount of the expense, your company’s CFO had to approve a $500,000 purchase order for hardware and software needed to upgrade the service used to store data for the Product Development Department. Everyone in the department had expected an automatic approval, and they were disappointed when the purchase order request was turned down. Management said that the business benefits of the expenditure were not clear. Realizing that she needs to develop a more solid business case for the order, the vice president of Product Development has come to you for help. Can you help her identify arguments related to protecting intellectual property that might strengthen the business case for this expenditure?

Answer: For me, I could help her/him. He/she needs help in order to clear the expenditures of the company and to purchase the order request. Any problems that encounter to the company we must know how to handle so that in the end no it would success.

3.       You are interviewing for the role of human resources manager for a large software developer. Over the last year, the firm has lost a number of high-level executives who left the firm to go to work for competitors. During the course of your interview, you are asked what measures you would put in place to reduce the potential loss of trade secret from executives leaving the firm. How would you respond?

Answer: I would hardly say that I will do my very best in order not to reduce the potential loss of trade secret from executives leaving the firm. I could not assure that I would work in 24 hours but as long as I could.

Chapter 6

1.       A former high school classmate of yours who has returned to china emails you that he has been offered a part-time job monitoring a Chinese website and posting comments favourable to the government. How would you respond?

Answer: It will also depend on my situation here in the Philippines whether I have a good job here that I wanted to leave and also my family. If I had a stable job here and I think this would be enough for us with my family, I would say no from him/her. Although it was a good opportunity but to think clearly, it would be enough from here.

2.       Your 15 year old nephew exclaims “Oh wow!” and proceeds to tell you about a very revealing photo attachment he just received in a text message from his 14 year old girlfriend of three months. He can’t wait to forward the message to others in his school. What would you say to your nephew? Are further steps needed besides a discussion on sexting?

Answer: I could actually discuss him a good steps needed. He was too young for being that, he needs a formal discussion with his parents or relatives.

3.       A college friend of yours approaches you about an idea to start a PR firm that would specialize in monitoring the internet for “Bad PR” about a company and “fixing” it. One tactic the firm would use is to threaten negative posters with a libel lawsuit unless they remove their posting.  Should that fail, the Pr firm will generate dozens of positive postings to outweigh the negative posting.  What would you say tp your friend about her idea?

Answer: I don’t want to angry for being that. I must discuss of him/her about what he/she did.

4.       You are the computer technical resource for country’s public library system. The library is making plans to install internet Filtering Software so that it will conform to the children’s Internet Protection Act and be eligible for federal funding. What sort of objections can you expect regarding implementation of internet filters? How might you deal with such objections?

Answer: It would be able to know well the children’s, So that the children’s are eligible know how to internet. Fast research that they must know.

5.       Imagine that you received a hate email at your school or job. What would you do? Does your school or workplace have a policy that cover such issues?

Answer: In my side, I must aside my patience. I must warning him/her before to know the school or job. Whether it would be the best, but there are some that you are going to the issue. So I must know my limits.

Chapter 7

1. Apple Guidelines for App Approval
Apple’s App Store has been a huge success ever since it was launched in 2008. As of the end of 2010, the app store offered more than 250, 000 applications available for sale to owners of apple, iPhone, iPad and iPod devices, with more than 6.5 Billion downloads since it opened.
Before software applications can be solved throught the App Store, they must go through a review process. Apple has been accused by some of using clandestine and capricious rules to reject some programs and thus blocking them from reaching the very large and growing market of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users. One application developer complained: “ if you submit an app, you have no idea whats going to happen. You have no idea it’s going to be approved or if it’s going to be disapproved.” The developers of an app called “South Park” complained that their app was rejected because the content was deemed “potentially offensive ,” even though episodes of the award-winning animated sitcom are available at the Apple iTunes  Store. In September 2010, after more than two years of complains, apple finally provided applications developers the guidelines it uses to review software.
Most guidelines seem to be aimed at ensuring that Apple users can only access high quality and non-controversials Apps from its Apps Store. Some of the Apple guidelines are clear and their rationale is easy to understand, such as “ apps that rapidly drain the device’s battery or generate excessive eat will be rejected.” However, other guidelines are unclear and highly subjective, such as “ we will reject apps for any content or behavior that we believe is over the line.” What line, you ask? Well, as a Supreme Court Justice once said ,“ I’ll know it when i see it. ‘ and we think that you will also know it when you cross it. (“ I know it when I see it” was the phrase used by U.S Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart to describe his ability to recognize rather than to provide a precise definition of hard core pornography and his opinion in the cae Jacobellis v. Ohio in 1964.)
The electronic frontier foundation believes that while the guidelines are helpful, in some cases apple is defining the content of third-party software and placing limits on what is available to customers of Apple’s App Store.
By way of comparison, Google places few restrictions and developers of software for its competing Android Marketplace. However, there have been many low-quality applications offered to Android Marketplace customers, including some that include unwanted malware. Indeed by early 2011, goggle had pulled 21 Android applications from its Android Marketplace because, once downloaded, the applications not only stole users’ information and device data but also created a back door for even more harmful attacks. Apple’s decision to finally share applications guidelines may have been an attempt to combat the rapidly increasing popularity the android. It may also have been a response to a U.S Federal Trade Commission’s investigations of a complaint for Adobe concerning Apples banning of the flash software from devices that run using Apple’s iOS operating system (Adobe Flash player is a browser-based applications that runs in many computer hardware/ operating system combination and support the viewing of called “rich, expressive applications,” content, the videos across screens and browsers.)
Discussion Questions:
1.       Should Apple conduct extensive screening of Apps before they are allowed to be sold on the App Store? Why or why not?

Answer: It must be yes. In order they got too much expensive application whether in cell phone or any class of gadget. Because in App store, surely it will needed some exact money before you install the application.

2.       Do research to determine the current status of the FCC investigation of Apple for banning use of the Adobe Flash software and devices that use the iOS operating system.3. What do you think of Apple’s guidelines that say it will reject an App for any content or behaviour that they believe is over the line? Could such statement be construed as a violation of the developer’s freedom of speech? Why or why not?

Answer: I think so. I could say yes. It will say that base on that statement, the violation is freedom of speech. Rejection is not a reason of being the violation, sometime it could be the statement.